Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
EUROSYN | Une expertise multisectorielle unique en évaluation sensorielle | Tests organoleptiques | Tests de dégustation | Découvrez nos laboratoires d’évaluation sensorielle
Eurosyn, the French Leader in Sensory Expertise
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Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
Eurosyn Hoo-Ha Seminars
Eurosyn, the French Leader in Sensory Expertise
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn Qualitative Studies
Eurosyn, Participate in our Tests
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Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
Eurosyn Hoo-Ha Seminars
Eurosyn, the French Leader in Sensory Expertise
EUROSYN | Analyse sensorielle | Tests consommateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs | Evaluation sensorielle | Analyse descriptive | Expertise sensorielle Tests organoleptiques | Tests de produits rémunérés | Etudes quantitatives et qualitatives | Cartographie des Préférences | Preference Mapping

Sensory profiles enable the organoleptic characteristics of products that belong to the same family to be described in great detail so that they may be compared and the best propositions selected. In the necessary steps to complete these profiles, panellists are selected based on their skills to perceive the stimuli of the studied sensory space, then trained until they become a true scoring instrument in terms of accuracy, repeatability and consensus.

How to develop products that will satisfy consumers’ demands in terms of perceived quality? How to improve their characteristics or to derive new associations? Are there new sensory combinations that could match consumers' preference optima?


The modelling used to build the mapping allows the idenfication and selection of new high potential sensory combinations, and even pinpoint an accurate description of the ones which correspond to preference optima.


The scope of sensory profiling goes beyond the comparative analysis of products. Indeed, it may be combined with consumer feedback collected during hedonic testing. Their combination leads to an eye-opening mapping, especially for the sensory drivers that make up consumer preferences, essential to the development of new products.


Eurosyn has acquired a significant experience and savoir-faire, not only in the usual senses that are taste, smell, hearing, sight and touch, but also in more specific fields such as thermal, dynamic or vibratory sensations.



Eurosyn’s expertise is based on a large pool of trained expert panellists whose ability to evaluate is constantly monitored. Their levels of performance are regularly assessed on an individual basis by our panel and refreshed if necessary.


To perform the sensory evaluations, Eurosyn's infrastructure consists of three large test laboratories under controlled conditions, adding up to 48 computerised testing booths.

These laboratories, in compliance with the latest standards, are connected to two spacious preparation rooms, equipped with a cold-room, negative and positive refrigerators, a powerful extraction hood plus all the necessary utensils for culinary preparation.


square meters in Paris area

dedicated to product testing


Siège Social – 16, Avenue du Québec – Bât. Muscari – ZA Courtaboeuf

91140 Villebon sur Yvette – France -  Tél. 01 60 92 64 00 – Fax 01 60 92 64 88

SAS au capital de 40 000€ - RC Evry 383 335 205 - SIRET 383 335 205 000 27 - NAF 7112B

N° de TVA intracommunautaire: : FR 11 383 335 205 -