Since 1991, Eurosyn has explored each and every aspect of products from fruit juice to the latest car models, that make the experience of product consumption or use absolutely unique.
The slide of a pen, the texture of a creamy dessert, the simplicity of applying mascara, the softness of a shoe sole cushioning make up a variety of themes, in a state of permanent evolution, that contributes to drastically separate Eurosyn’s expertise from their competitors' in terms of quality, scope and diversity. Unique.
Each time Eurosyn is commissioned to work on studies, they provide analysis reports to the highest standards of thoroughness, clarity and pragmatism that allow their clients to decipher the complexity of their brands' environment.
years of experience
in sensory evaluation
and consumer testing
The products to analyse are thoroughly inspected mostly in our facilities in the Paris area. The premises and equipments are outstanding from a technical and dimension perspective, and consist of three computerised evaluation laboratories under controlled conditions that meet the latest standards. In addition, other atypical testing environments can be made available such as car showrooms, outlets, or even sports facilities.
To complete this range of facilities unparalleled in Europe, a large sheltered indoors space, ideal for tests in full daylight, can be adjusted to any customer requirements.
The acquired expertise enables our teams to develop each day original and innovative techniques to gather data as well as statistical analysis tools. Their pioneering nature is recognised by the government department of research and industry through the certification of Eurosyn as a research organisation eligible for the CIR (French research tax credit).
Based on the strengths of a modern infrastructure, and backed by multidisciplinary experience that brings together the latest breakthroughs in sensory evaluation and consumer testing, our engineers, statisticians, qualiticians and ergonomists work for the biggest names in the fields of agribusiness, cosmetics, luxury, aeronautics, car manufacturing, household appliances and stationary.
Special care is paid to the design and depiction of the study reports to make their reading, understanding and utilisation easy.
Once the data has been collected, our teams carry out their in-depth analysis in order to address all of the customers' needs.
Prior to any launch, validation pre-tests ensure that the product evaluation protocols are fit for purpose and are scrupulously applied by all the partners.
A worldwide network of partners, previously validated by Eurosyn, enables the swift implementation of operational bespoke solutions internationally. Eurosyn manages all the aspects of design, coordination and control of all fields.
Eurosyn is available to assist you
in the discovery, understanding and mastery of a world of sensations!
countries covered
by our international
Siège Social – 16, Avenue du Québec – Bât. Muscari – ZA Courtaboeuf
91140 Villebon sur Yvette – France - Tél. 01 60 92 64 00 – Fax 01 60 92 64 88
SAS au capital de 40 000€ - RC Evry 383 335 205 - SIRET 383 335 205 000 27 - NAF 7112B
N° de TVA intracommunautaire: : FR 11 383 335 205 -