Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
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Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
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EUROSYN | Analyse sensorielle | Tests consommateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs | Evaluation sensorielle | Analyse descriptive | Expertise sensorielle Tests organoleptiques | Tests de produits rémunérés | Etudes quantitatives et qualitatives | Cartographie des Préférences | Preference Mapping

Eurosyn is open all year round at the following address:



       16, avenue du Québec

       Bâtiment Muscari

       91 140 Villebon sur Yvette

       Tel : (33) 1 60 92 64 00

By public transport

RER B (Massy-Palaiseau train station), then Bus 2 or 22

  • from 7 am to 2 pm, take bus 22, in the direction of Zone d’Activités de Courtaboeuf Nord, Sterne bus-stop (Transdev Les cars d’Orsay
  • from 2 pm, take bus 2, in the direction Centre Commercial Les Ulis, Châteaux d’eau bus-stop (around 5-10 mn on foot)

By car (around 20 mn from Paris)

From the  West of Paris (Porte de Saint-Cloud)


  • N118, in the direction of Nantes/Bordeaux for about 20 km
  • take the exit for ZA Courtaboeuf/Les Ulis (D118)
  • At the roundabout, cross over N118, then take the first left (avenue du Canada)
  • Carry straight on to the traffic lights to reach Avenue du Québec
  • Drive right up to building 16, called Muscari (Eurosyn's sign visible on the right)

From the South of Paris (Porte d’Italie or Porte d’Orleans):


  • Motorway A6, in the  direction Lyon/Nantes/Bordeaux (A6a / A6b)
  • Exit onto A10 by following the direction for Nantes/Bordeaux (16 km)
  • Take exit 9 – ZA Courtaboeuf/Orsay (D118)
  • Turn right just after the water towers, at the roundabout, follow “Courtaboeuf 1”
  • Turn right after the traffic lights (avenue du Québec)
  • Drive right up to building 16, called Muscari (Eurosyn's sign visible on the right)


Siège Social – 16, Avenue du Québec – Bât. Muscari – ZA Courtaboeuf

91140 Villebon sur Yvette – France -  Tél. 01 60 92 64 00 – Fax 01 60 92 64 88

SAS au capital de 40 000€ - RC Evry 383 335 205 - SIRET 383 335 205 000 27 - NAF 7112B

N° de TVA intracommunautaire: : FR 11 383 335 205 -