Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
EUROSYN | Acteur majeur des études hédoniques quantitatives internationales | Tests consommateurs quantitatifs internationaux
Eurosyn, the French Leader in Sensory Expertise
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn Qualitative Studies
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Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
Eurosyn Hoo-Ha Seminars
Eurosyn, the French Leader in Sensory Expertise
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
Eurosyn Qualitative Studies
Eurosyn, Participate in our Tests
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Eurosyn: Sensory Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Tests
Eurosyn Hoo-Ha Seminars
Eurosyn, Quantitative Studies
EUROSYN | Analyse sensorielle | Tests consommateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs | Evaluation sensorielle | Analyse descriptive | Expertise sensorielle Tests organoleptiques | Tests de produits rémunérés | Etudes quantitatives et qualitatives | Cartographie des Préférences | Preference Mapping

How are products valued by consumers? Do consumers express the same opinions when using the products in real-life? Are there combinations that are more suitable to their expectations according to the market and the country?


Home-testing, implicit tests, in a controlled environment or real-life, face to face or even online, the range of hedonic tests performed by Eurosyn enables the selection of the best approach to address the customer needs.



Thanks to its ideal location, Eurosyn is able to carry out hedonic quantitative or qualitative tests requiring specific infrastructures such as spas, furnished villas, sports complexes or car-racing tracks.

For food testing, two large rooms equipped with professional utensils make it easy to prepare food on a large scale.

Eurosyn has the capability to put together all kinds of panels targeting specific groups or socio-professional categories, thanks to a large consumer database. Tracking of the participation rates, conformity of the recruited profiles, matching of consumer habits make up some of many criteria strictly controlled to guarantee the quality of collected data.

Keeping an up-to-date worldwide network of qualified partners enables Eurosyn to deploy at-the-ready resources on fields or hedonic studies on an international scale. Meetings and business trips are undertaken prior to the launch of each project to ensure that test protocols are scrupulously applied by each of the partners.

Eurosyn also carries out tests aiming to collect data relative to pet-eating habits. These tests are organised at home or in specific places. The size of Eurosyn's consumer database enables every kind of pet-panel to be put together.

The studies performed with children need to be adjusted in the protocols and questionnaires in a way that they may express themselves in the best adapted conditions. Placing them in a specific environment is a must to preserve their spontaneity and to stop them from feeling intimidated or from tiring too quickly.


The projects as a whole are followed each and every day by our Project Leaders. Each test is subject to internal thorough control aimed at ensuring the quality and conformity of the provided service, from the interviewed consumer panels to the test organisation, right through to the analysis reports.


Siège Social – 16, Avenue du Québec – Bât. Muscari – ZA Courtaboeuf

91140 Villebon sur Yvette – France -  Tél. 01 60 92 64 00 – Fax 01 60 92 64 88

SAS au capital de 40 000€ - RC Evry 383 335 205 - SIRET 383 335 205 000 27 - NAF 7112B

N° de TVA intracommunautaire: : FR 11 383 335 205 -